Hello athletes, today we will talk about some of the best push up variations for beginners. push us is undoubtedly the best exercise for all the beginners who want to build the upper body strength and unlock super human strength. there are lots of different push ups but in this article i will be taking you from easy to advanced level variations of push up exercise which will not only help you in gaining faster results but will also take your basic push up count to a whole new level.

Based on my experience i will say that these push up variations will definitely make you notice the results within a month (if done regularly without any break).  below is the list of these push up variations-

The above listed push up variations will form the perfect workout for a beginner to make him an advanced level practitioner within a month. below you will see the whole work out specifications which will describe you the workout you have to execute-

Above is the list of whole workout program that will give you great results if performed regularly, i hope you guys know the types of push ups listed above but if you don't then below is the brief description of the various push up variations listed above - 


  • SUPERMAN PUSH UPS                 


1 - Inclined push ups -

Inclined push ups are so basic that they are much easier even than the basic push ups. these are best for beginners who never performed exercises like push ups or for those who want to start from scratch. you can also use this as a warm up exercise as it is not the kind which will leave huge impact on your shoulders, in fact it causes so little pressure that you might not feel it when doing this exercise but that does not mean that you'll go and do 50 reps of inclined push ups, of course it will take some time to reach there but and it may also prove to be painful if performed more than your body's capacity.

all you need to do is look for an inclined surface like a bench, bed side, even wall will work. and try to do traditional push ups, it will automatically result in inclined push up.

2- Declined push ups - 

Declined push up is a bit harder than those basic and traditional push ups and is opposite to inclined push ups . all the things are same except that you will have to place your legs where you used to place your hands in inclined push ups. this will leave an effect on your shoulder but try not to stop and do the continuing reps because if once you are able to execute more push ups after being tired, it will drastically help you in doing more reps in normal condition.

3- Wide arm push ups - 

Wide arm push ups are an extended form of basic push ups which target chest muscles, deltoids, wing muscles etc. these are a bit harder to execute when compared with inclined or declined push ups, even sometimes these are considered of intermediate level. as the name suggests, you have to extend your arms wider than your shoulder width and execute push ups normally, make sure that if you're not able to execute those than do not force your deltoids to perform this exercise as it may have some negative effects on you shoulder, chest and armpits.


4- Pike push ups - 

This is an proper intermediate level push up variation, if you have mastered the basic push ups than you will easily be able to execute these push ups. it is also considered a progression to an advanced level push up variation  - "HANDSTAND  PUSH UPS" but you can also use this to unlock the potential of superhuman strength in your shoulders which will help you in mastering vey advanced calisthenics moves like Planche push ups, handstand push ups, L-sit to handstand push up variation etc.

to execute this push up, you need to get on the basic push up pose and then lift your butt upside to make an pike pose with the ground now push your body on the shoulders and go down breaking your elbows. come back up without loosing the pike pose to retain the position. repeat.

5- Spiderman push ups - 

This is another intermediate level variation which resembles the pose of spider man climbing the wall. this is two-sided exercise which focuses more on the one side at a time. to do this you will need to take the basic push up position and then execute pish up with you left reaching your left arm's elbow depicting spider man climbing pose. do the same on the other side to do alternative reps of this exercise.

6- Typewriter push ups - 

This is very close to archer push up but has some contrasting techniques. this is also a two-sided push up exercise which focuses more on the one side at a time so make sure you do even number of reps so that both your arms concede equal load. to perform this push up, you need to get on your basic push up pose and then go down normally and stop, now move alternatively to both the sided pressurizing both of your arms one by one, do this movement for the number of times specified in the table above,

Now as we are at the advanced level push ups of our module, you should know that you need to have super explosive strength and should've mastered the above listed push ups and the progressions needed to reach these advanced level push ups because only then you'll be able to execute these push ups.


So as you've mastered all the above listed push up variations,. its time to move to some of the advanced level variations. there is no specific process to execute them but while doing the progressions you yourself will be able to do it. there are lots of advanced push ups but these three - "superman push ups", ''one-arm push ups", "Planche push ups", are the best for you to try if you're a beginner. there are categories in the advanced section too but the above listed push ups combine all the categories and once you're able to execute all these push up variations, these will form a perfect push up routine for you.

That's it, if you're able to complete the above discussed workout, you are on your way to get those advanced push up variations which will provide you with an awesome personality. There are no certain restrictions on diet but still you have to look over your diet. click here if you want the perfect consumables which will not only help you in getting faster results but will also help you in increasing your immunity.